Monday, June 1, 2009

I Want So to Belong

O God, I want so to belong;
teach me to accept.
I want to be close;
teach me to reach out.
I want a place where I am welcome;
teach me to open my arms.
I want mercy;
teach me to forgive.
I want beauty;
teach me honesty.
I want peace;
show me the eye of the storm.
I want truth;
show me the way to question
my unquestionable convictions.
I want joy;
show me the way of deeper commitment.
I want life;
show me how to die.

Loder, Ted Guerillas of Grace (San Diego, CA: LuraMedia, 1984) p.72.


Karen J. Hopper said...


April Renee said...

Thank you Sis. Hopper,
I think this poem says it all. It's a tall order, but doable with God's help.