Thursday, June 18, 2009

Remeber, You are Special!!

Seventeen years ago yesterday a very life changeing thing happened to me. I recived a call from my uncle who informed me that my biological father was trying to contact me. Of course this took me back some as I tried to find him at age 18, right before I married. I had thougt about him since I was 13 years old when I found out my paternity was not as I supposed. The call was very scary, however, my uncle produced a phone number in which I could call if I choose to. So, I called, his wife answered the phone and drilled me on all kinds of things, quite understandably, and I did my best to answer. Ron, my bio-father's name, was at work, but as soon as he came home she would give him my number to call.
I waited by the phone nervously as now I was a wife and mother of two wonderful young children, I wondered what it would be like to speak to your "father" for the first time.
Well, it has been a long painful road, and alot of lessons learned.
Ron and his wife now choose not to have anything to do with us and that is a great hurt, since 3 other times during the last 17 years he has done the same for years at a time. But I must say, the best thng about it is getting to know my GRams!
My grandmother was not the typical grandma since I was the only grandchild, and she had just met me at 25 years old. But she was the grandmother God had picked for me. She did not have Truth, but loved God the best she knew how,better than some Apostolics I know.She read the Bible all the time, rarely read anything else just for pleasure. She and I were alot alike in our personalites, however sometimes she would say, "you are just like your dad!".
She tried her best to let me know I was special not only to her but God. She's been gone now for almose 5 years, and I still miss her terribly, but I know I am still special, even in the midst of rejection.
Psalms 139:17-18 says, "How precious are your thoughts to me. Oh God, How great is the sum of them, If I should count them, they would be more than the sands...."
Thus I trust I am speical to God and will do my best to follow the path before me,"as He unfolds the rose".

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