Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Spring Will Come!

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips it's turn."
Hal Borland


Kathy McElhaney said...

So true. Although around here, we seem to go from winter to summer in about 3 weeks!

April Renee said...

LOL! My body is so confused!!!
When "winter" is here I'm glad to know "spring" is is just around the corner.
"this too shall pass"

Karen J. Hopper said...

To everything there is a season but I wish the spring and fall were longer as they are my favorites - whether in the natural or in the spiritual.

April Renee said...

I have to agree. Cooling of fall may lead us into the winter time,but the colors are so vibrant. Spring shows us the beauty of bright greens, purples, pinks and yellow flowers just to lead us into the "heat" of it all.
Then we start all over again. Big sigh!