Dictionary.com says that belonging means "Acceptance as a natural member or part: a sense of belonging."
It must be a fulfilling feeling to belong. To fill completely loved and wanted. To be the apple of someones eye, when they look at you, everyone knows that your parents are so incredibly proud of you and are so glad you are their daughter. Everyone knows about you because your parents brag on you and celebrate your birth.
Even more now than ever, I know what it feels like to be the parent, just don't know about the kid......
One day, it won't hurt so bad.......
Jesus, be my father, I need this hurt to go away. I want to BE your daughter, not like a daughter.....
Belonging to Him...really belonging to Him is what really matters. Reminds me of the song, "He's All I Need".
Jesus is all I need.....
My head knows and understands that,
Just wish my heart would hurry up and get it!!!
Thanks Sis. Hopper....
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