Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Just Thinking.....

I know that me thinking scares many, but it happens on occasion that something will tug on my heart a bit, and I "must needs" share.
This January it will be nine years since God brought Nathan and I back together and put our broken home back together again. Alot has happend in nine years, lots a tears, wonderment, doubt, fear, gains, losses, but here we are, still togehter, in the Church with our children. Thanks be to God for a miricle that only He could have done!!!!
We often look at the "big miricles" such as a visible healing or a unexplainable fincial blessing, something that just "awes" the masses. When we do this, we often miss that speical miricle God performed just for you and me. It may not make the front page of the Pentecostal Herold or Apostolic headlines, nonetheless, a miricle specially put together by the Maker.
No, my name is not a well known, and I do not come from any ranks in Pentecost. In fact I am first generation Apostlic, but God dosen't care about that, He cares about me, and what I hold dear, my family. We are not in the of ministry as one may consider relevent, but God restored our family for a purpose. To testify of HIS glory, HIS saving grace, HIS love for us, and that HE is a God of reconsiliation. He worked a miricle in our lives!!! We are living for God, our girls are living for God, and we are doing that togehter!!!!
We ARE miricles, all of us that know God and know the Truth of who HE is!!!!
May we never forget that you and I are miricles that only God could perform!!!! Just as the childrens song declares:
"I am a Promise, I am a Possiblity, I am a Promise with a captiol P, I am a great big bundle of Potenitaltiy. And if I'm listening, I can hear God's voice and I'm trying, I can make the right choice, cause I a Promise to be, anything HE wants me to be"........

1 comment:

Karen J. Hopper said...

Truly your life is a miracle, April And to God be the Glory for graciously restoring yours and Nathan's life together. However, never sell yourself short. God does not look at titles or x-number of Apostolic servitude. He looks at the heart and therefore we are all equal in His sight. Remember He is a "respector of no persons". Love you and am so happy that your life is in the Lord's hands.